The Perfect Mother

and other lies

Friday, March 25, 2005

Mommy Crack

Reese*s peanut butter eggs should be banned from all grocery stores.

I went to the store last night to buy my little bunnies some Easter candy. My beloved asked if I could bring him a treat if he was good. (grin, blush, wink) Sure, why not.

I unpacked the innocent package when I got home. Hmmmm. Let me try one of these while he's putting M. to bed. That's all she wrote, folks.

I was hooked. The rest of the bag became a blur of little foil wrappers hastily being ripped off the creamy chocolate and peanut butter bites of heaven.

I told myself I could stop. After just one more, I'd stop. I can stop if I want. If I really wanted to, I could. But I don't want to, I want more, more I say!

When the foil wrapper fog cleared, there were four left. FOUR. My husband decided not to have any afterall. (WTF?) So, they were still there this morning. Staring at me. Mocking me. They had to be silenced.

Breakfast of champions: Mommy crack and milk.


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