The Perfect Mother

and other lies

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Rest for the Weary

My 3, soon to be 4 year old is sick. Fever, sore throat, runny nose. Run of the mill winter season stuff. This is the first time she's been sick this year. (I don't count the stomach virus we all had in January - that was a WHOLE different beast. I'm talking about the cold/flu type illness.) I am VERY thankful she's such a healthy child. That being said...

Does anyone else kind of enjoy your kids being sick? Sounds really odd when I write it out, but I'm serious. Now, I in NO WAY wish my children ill health. Absolutely not. I would MUCH rather that they never be sick. But, that's not really reality, is it? By enjoy, I mean like it gives you kind of a break, ya know? They're all snuggled up in your bed with a supply of kleenex and plenty of fluids to drink and watching Ses@me Street. You, well, you get to actually GET THINGS DONE! Laundry, vacuuming, scrubbing the kitchen floor that hasn't seen a mop in two months. All without an adorable little munchkin following you around asking every conceivable question under the sun, whining about when lunchtime is, fighting with the little sister, etc. You get the picture.

Enjoying the time while your child has a cold? Oh Lord, I am a horrible mother.


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