The Perfect Mother

and other lies

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The End

I guess I won't be back. Some major problems have come up in my life. Problems I never thought in a million years would be mine. The future is extremely uncertain for my family and I need to put every last drop of my energy into saving it.

Thanks for reading. Be well.

Monday, July 18, 2005

I'll Be Back

Just not for awhile. I'm taking a break. It's been harder and harder to get myself to come up with entries in a timely fashion.

I need to focus on other things right now.

To the few that read: Thanks guys, and I'll be back. Don't think I'm not around just because I'm not posting or leaving comments.

Later -


Friday, July 08, 2005

Gotta love spam

We receive about 20 emails a day promising larger p.enises, drugs! cheap! and ways to volume of...e.jaculate. I rarely read the subject lines anymore, deleting them with just a glance at the "from" field. But today I came across one that intrigued me.

What the hell are F*uck F*riends? See, Julia promises (in the subject line, anyway) to get me involved in my very own F*uck F*riends. Are they friends that F*uck each other? Friends that F*uck you? Friends that F*uck each other while you and other friends watch? What? Somehow I don't think Dion.Warwick and E.lton John had that in mind....That's what friends are fooooorrrrrr.... Hmmm.

Just wondering.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Lightening up the mood... **EDITED**

We're gonna lighten up the mood here at 'ol Mother Perfecto. So, here's my idea:

Come out, come out wherever you are!

Yes, you. I've been doing this for awhile now, and I seem to get a fair amount of visitors. I only recognize a few of my "regulars" and I'm dying to know who the rest of you are. So, if you would be so kind:

1. Who are you?

2. How did you get here?

3. What's your favorite popscicle flavor?

4. Belly button lint: Pick it out or leave it?

I must know.

Hey, and if you've got any questions for me - ask away.

**EDITED** Please feel free to de-lurk, answer the above VERY important questions and then retreat into lurkdom once again. You can even tell me a fake name if ya want. This is a no pressure post. :)

Friday, July 01, 2005

I'm It

I was tagged by Holly, and I thought about just wallowing for a bit longer before I posted my answers, but decided wallowing would still be there when I was done.

Three screen names that you have had: marci, *madpai* & I can't think of another one.

Three things you like about yourself: Green eyes, lips that look like a wear lipstick all the time and my smile.

Three things you don't like about yourself: That's easy - butt, thighs and hips.

Three parts of your heritage: Lebanese, German and ??

Three things that scare you: Flying, my children being hurt/becoming gravely ill, something happening to me/husband or both.

Three of your everyday essentials: perfume, flip-flops (in the summer only, obviously), a good morning kiss from my girls.

Three things you are wearing now: t-shirt, shorts, red toenail polish.

Three of your favorite songs: Of all time or just right now? That's a hard one. Right now I love Car Wash (Chris. Agul. version), HallabackGirl, and just about anything from the 70's.

Three things I want in a relationship: LISTENING, COMPROMISING, and HONORING YOUR PROMISES. Can you tell I've got some ISSUES going on right now???

Two truths and a lie: I went to a *Jesuit *University, I was in a sorority, I have my belly button pierced.

Three things you can't do without: contacts, hugs and kisses from my girls, computer (sad, but true.)

Three places you want to go on vacation: Anywhere, anywhere and anywhere.

Three things you just can't do: Sing well, sing along to the song Lay Lady Lay - it's a tongue twister for me. I CANNOT make the words come out of my mouth. My husband and I laugh hysterically every time it comes on and I try to sing it. I end up singing: Lay-dee-dee-day no matter how hard I try. Change a tire. ( I know, I know... I should be able to do that in this day and age...)

Three kids' names: M.a.d.e.l.y.n, P.a.i.g.e., Tristan

Three things you want to do before you die: Have another child, become a granny several times, go somewhere tropical with my husband ALONE for at least one whole week.

Three Celeb crushes: M.ichael J.ackson, C.ruise and Re-run from W.hat's H.appenin'. KIDDING! I honestly don't know.

Three people you want to know these things about: This should be interesting because I 'm not sure that each one of these people read my blog on a regular basis, but I'll give it try: Dawn, Aimee and, oh hell, how bout you VJ? I hope I didn't tag someone who's already been tagged. Back to wallowing...