The Perfect Mother

and other lies

Monday, November 21, 2005

Full of Thanks

Ok. I have to do this. I have to do this because sometimes you let all the bad stuff overshadow the good stuff, ya know? This is to remind myself of the good, which there is a lot of:

I am thankful for:

My girls. They are beautiful, funny and a complete joy 99.9% of the time.

My 2 year old's rendition of the song I sing to her before putting her to bed. I made up the song when my 4 year old was a baby. The 2 year old belts it out like an old pro. Off key and and as loud as her little voice can go. I love it.

Snuggling with my 4 year old. When I've had a particularly weary day, I crawl into bed with her and let her shower me with all the lovey goodness I can take. She tells me stories, tells me she loves me and throws her little arms and legs over mine in a huge bear hug. Yum.

Good health. Mine, my girls' and pretty much my entire extended family. We're all doing pretty darn good - physically that is. Now mentally....that's a different story. Ahem.

Another day on this earth. Another day to start fresh. A do-over. I've been taking a lot of do-overs lately.

All the basics - roof over our heads, food on our table, clothes on our backs.

Girlfriends. Without them, I don't think I could've survived the last 6 months. There's nothing like an awesome girlfriend.

The most incredible chocolate chip cookie recipe I've ever found. I have made countless batches of cookies in the last few months. I usually make them on Tuesday night while I watch *TheBiggestLoser. Is that sick or what?! HA!!

Well, I'm sure there's more. There always is. But that covers the big stuff, anyway.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me!

It's my birthday today. (In case you didn't know from the title.) I will be doing the following, today, my 34th birthday:

NOTHING. Nada. Zip. That's right. Not one load of laundry. I will not be picking up one toy. I will not be sweeping any floors or washing any mirrors/windows. Nothing. Well, I supppose I will have to do the dishes a la Nino. I can't get that wild and crazy - to leave the dishes scattered about. Sheesh.

Then, after my lovely day of nothingness I will take the girls to see *Chicken *Little. First, because they haven't seen it yet and it'll be the 2 year old's first "real" movie, and second, because I want a GINORMOUS bucket of movie popcorn with extra butter all to myself. Because it's my birthday dammit.

So, that's my plans for today. Or, no-plans, as it were.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I thought I'd check in since it's been freakin' forever since I posted. My last post left many hanging with it's doom and gloom and all. Sorry about that. Unfortunately it has been doom and gloom around here for a very long time. Not sure I wanna get into it right now, maybe later. Although I will say I have found a new best friend by the name of *selective *serotonin *re-uptake *inhibitor. I call her "SS" for short. She likes that. We get along famously.

Other than that, life has been plodding along. So how are you? Please let me know. We never talk anymore.