The Perfect Mother

and other lies

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I need a job.

Not for money, (although, I'd love to have my "own" money again.) for my sanity. I'm gonna make a little confession here. A confession that I have been fighting to keep inside my head for a very long time.

Sometimes I cannot stand being a stay at home mom.

There. I said it. Or wrote it, as it were.

Allow me to define "cannot stand": as in stay-up-until-1:30-in-the-morning-just-to-stretch-out-the-evening-a little-bit-longer-because-I'm-trying-to-keep-another-day-from-starting kind of loathing.

I love my girls. They are so precious to me. We do have plenty of fun together, especially in the summer months.

But if I don't get some time away from them I think I'm going to freak out.

I know it sounds like I'm complaining about staying home. That's part of the reason why I hesitate to admit that it's not all fun and games. Part of me believes that I'm lucky to be able to stay home, so I should just put up and shut up. There's that inner little voice that tells me to slap on a silly smile because there are plenty of women who would love to have your "problems". (And plenty who don't, I know.)

Whenever I see old friends from my previous job, they always ask me how I like staying home. I always say I love it. Many times this is a true statement, but many times it's a lie. It's like being asked "how are you?" and just saying "fine".

I fantasize about having a part time job. Actually FANTASIZE, people. Unfortunately, my husband has a job that takes him away not only 6 days/week, but 6 months out of the year as well. So, I'm thinking why in the hell would anyone hire someone with such a limited working schedule?

I need to do something. Fast. Either find a job or put in an order for a straight jacket.


At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staying at home full time is a TOUGH gig. I had Elle in Mother's Day Out when I was home. Natalie was in school. Lots of churches have these programs, Meredith, and they're dirt cheap. Put your girls in once or twice a week and get a job that will basically offset the expense or go volunteer. You have to have time to yourself as a Mom, I'm sorry. I don't know how sahm's do it without some kind of regular break. I had Elle in 1X/week at first and then bumped up to 2X/week. It's gotta be done. You'll love it!


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