The Perfect Mother

and other lies

Friday, January 28, 2005


Tomorrow afternoon starting around 3:30ish, I will be childfree until Sunday morning. Can I get an AMEN?? Around 3:31ish I shall do the Mommy Freedom Dance, which consists of (in case you didn't know) throwing off all clothes, running from room to room singing the theme song to Born Free. At 3:32ish I will call my husband and talk dirty. At 3:33ish I shall begin readying myself for a fun filled evening out. You know, taking a loooooong hot, UNINTERUPTED, shower, shaving various appendages/parts, slathering on perfumed lotion and **gasp** applying makeup! We will then go out, where I shall drink yummy drinks and eat yummy food and think yummy thoughts about getting my husband home.

A night. Alone. With my husband. And we don't even have to lock the bedroom door. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

If the treadmill had an ass, it'd be sorry

I kicked some major booty this morning on the ol' treadmill. Did I mention I'm training for a half marathon in June? Um, yeah. I am. Will said half marathon kick my ass? Probably. Am I going to be a big weenie and back out? Hell no. I started this running schtick last January, and I have to say, me likey. Now, if you would have known me, say, 13 months ago, I would have spit water out my nose at the prospect of me running. But, alas, a runner was born.

Yes, I believe I rock.

It seems to me that my post yesterday was a bit on the negative side. There'll be days like that, I guess, but I sure like days like today much better. Workout's done, playdate done, laundry...well you can't have it all, right?

P.S. Is anyone reading this? Thought I'd ask. I didn't start this blog so that I could get a bunch of comments, I started it so that I could get rid of the enormous amount of thoughts I have swirling around in my head. But, I have to admit, it's kind of exciting to see comments. So, Internet, if you stumble upon this leave a comment or two. I won't bite.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Guilt...let me count the ways...

1. The exercise I didn't do.
2. Didn't play games with M.
3. Said I was too tired to play.
4. Laundry lays unfolded on couch. Still. After 2 days.
5. Counting the seconds until nap time.
6. TV watching on a "no tv" day.
7. Countdown to bedtime started at 7:00 AM.
8. Comments in my head, such as "will please just shut up?", "no, I do NOT want to play Barbies.", "If you continue to scream like that I think I'll impale myself on this butter knife."

Ah yes. It has been a wonderful Mommy day thus far. Who doesn't love a guilt ridden day? Non stressful, guilt free days are for wussies. So there. Pftttttt.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Second Post

Catchy title, no? I have no idea what I'm going to write about. Well, maybe I do, but it's just too late in the evening to think about it.

Huh. A blog.

The First Post

Huh. So this is blogging.