The Perfect Mother

and other lies

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Thank God For Endorphins

I woke up in a crappy mood. I started bitching at my husband before we even got out of bed. No. Really. I bitched at him the whole time he was getting ready for work and then bitched at him some more as he walked out the door.

Then I got on the treadmill. By the end of the 30 minutes I was singing and dancing and had made all these was great. Thank you LORD for endorphins. Amen.


Update on the (bitched at) husband - he's doing great. It's only been a week and you can hardly tell anything happened. It's truly amazing. All but 2 or 3 of the stitches are out, and those will come out tomorrow. I still can't believe how lucky he was. Amazing.


I think the reason I'm in such a foul mood is because of mother'sday. I hate it. Not just because my mom isn't around anymore, it's much more complicated and involves my MIL. I really don't have the energy to go into it right now, so you'll just have to take my word for it - it blows monkey balls. I dread it each and every year. I'll be so incredibly glad when Monday gets here.


Last but not least, I now have officially won the title of WORST MOTHER. No, no, it's true. In my foulness today I completely WENT OFF on my 4 year old. She was being particularly naughty today and I snapped. I mean REALLY snapped. I started screaming at the top of my lungs at her and threatened a spanking. Actually, I told her I would beat her ass. How's that for white trash mama talk? I've never said anything like that to her before. I even had to EXPLAIN what I meant by spanking. She's never been spanked, so I explained (yelled at) to her that if she didn't listen, that's what she'd get. Stupid part is, I had no intention of spanking her. I just wanted her to THINK that that's what I was going to do. So, I broke the #1 parenting law - Following Through. If you tell them what the consequences are, you better be prepared to follow through or else you'll be seen as a chump from then on. In the end, it really didn't matter because my yelling scared her, hurt her feelings and probably imprinted a horrible memory into her beautiful little brain. Later I told her I was sorry for yelling, but you can't really take it back can you? That memory will be there. Those hurt feelings will remain. I am a chump.

Happy MothersDay. Yipee.


At 6:50 PM, Blogger humble servant said...


Hope YOU had a nice Mother's Day. And as for the imprinted memory on your daughter's beautiful little brain, you'd be surprised at how resilient little minds are. Don't beat yourself up about it - she loves you and learned that it is important to apologize when you lose your temper.

Hugs being sent your way...

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Aimee said...

Happy Mother's Day!!!!


At 7:57 PM, Blogger Jen said...

We all do stupid things at times. Just chalk it up as one of those. The important thing is, is that you apologized to her and you meant it.

I too had to explain to Collin was a spanking was once. He's never been spanked so he was like, 'What do you mean a spanking?' Talk about talking the threat out!

I, too, am glad the day is almost over. It was a hard one. I really needed a friend. I'm actually looking forward to monday! Sad.


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