The Perfect Mother

and other lies

Friday, March 25, 2005

Mommy Crack

Reese*s peanut butter eggs should be banned from all grocery stores.

I went to the store last night to buy my little bunnies some Easter candy. My beloved asked if I could bring him a treat if he was good. (grin, blush, wink) Sure, why not.

I unpacked the innocent package when I got home. Hmmmm. Let me try one of these while he's putting M. to bed. That's all she wrote, folks.

I was hooked. The rest of the bag became a blur of little foil wrappers hastily being ripped off the creamy chocolate and peanut butter bites of heaven.

I told myself I could stop. After just one more, I'd stop. I can stop if I want. If I really wanted to, I could. But I don't want to, I want more, more I say!

When the foil wrapper fog cleared, there were four left. FOUR. My husband decided not to have any afterall. (WTF?) So, they were still there this morning. Staring at me. Mocking me. They had to be silenced.

Breakfast of champions: Mommy crack and milk.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

C@lgon, give me a one way ticket to Timbuktoo

It seems my 19 month old has gotten in touch with her inner Brat. Could this be happening already?? She's still such a baby to me.

As we speak (or, me type, you read..)she is screaming her little lungs out. I have absolutely no idea why. Oh wait, yes I do. She dropped an animal cracker. Or her shoe is untied. Or, I had the nerve to leave the room to try and get away from the eardrum perforating screeches.

This has been happening more and more lately. I don't remember it being like this with my older daughter, although I'm sure it was. How quickly we forget.

Oh good. Now she's gagging. Grrreeaaaat. I'm goin' in. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Thoughts that are naughty in nature...

I feel I must first preface this entry by saying that I am very happily married to the love of my life, whom I adore. So now you know.

But gaawwwd almighty I'm all sorts of horned up over my daughter's teacher. Swimming teacher. Who looks to be about 18. Yep. At first I creeped myself out a bit by the thoughts I was having as I watched him swim. I kept looking away, finding others to talk to, etc. I mean, really. I'm a GROWN woman with 2 children and a husband. Stop being so weird, I told myself.

Then he stood up. The water fell just below his waist. His swim trunks were slightly weighed down by the water. They rested VERY low on his hips. Low enough, in fact, that the little indentation where upper thigh meets pelvis was showing. (Well, it shows if you're very muscular and fit.) I found myself staring. Like a COMPLETE idiot.

And I WASN'T staring at his face. (Although, for the record, his face is equally nice to look at.)

He is the DEFINITION of eye candy.

I am the definition of a h0rny 30 something.

Let's just say the the man I adore, love and cherish had a VERY good night last night.

When I have time

Ha! What's that? Having time? Anyway, I've been trying to post for two days but Blogger has not been cooperating. I'll hopefully write something uplifting, inspiring and witty later today.

Who am I kidding? Uplifting? Inspiring? Probably not. Witty? Possibly. Most likely it'll just be a few words on the screen.

Later -

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Oooohhhh Jen and Kelly........

Hey you two! Behave yourselves!! Oh fuck it. What am I saying??? DO NOT behave yourselves! Get silly and stupid and drunk and get down with the mool@ttes for me!! :)

I am INSANE with jealousy. First you get the cooter wax, and now a glorious girls only weekend. Will your fabulous social life ever slow down???

I hope you guys stop by this thing this weekend, or I've just typed cooter wax for nothing. Heh.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I had a run-in...

...with a caramel Moo*Latte.

It cornered me in the alley of time that I spend waiting for my daughter to get done with dance lessons.

It told me I wouldn't get hurt if I just did what it asked.

So I licked. I sucked. I tasted. I swallowed. I enjoyed.

It wants to meet me again tomorrow.

Resistance seems futile.

Monday, March 14, 2005

I had an unfortunate accident....

...with a box of Girl Scout Cookies. Let's be honest: 1.5 boxes. Thin Mints and Samoas to be exact.

Oh, and I washed it down with a Diet Coke (with lime!).


Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Why bore you with the mundane? So, I've just stayed away.

Not that things aren't going well, or that happy moments haven't taken place in my life. To the contrary, life is pretty darn good right now. But who wants to hear about that?

Who wants to hear that my almost 4 year old cut her new Barbie's hair and neatly swept the locks into the corner with the rest of the floor gunk.

Who wants to hear that when I qustioned her about it, she simply stated that she didn't want to make a mess on the floor, therefore she swept it up.

And who wants to hear that I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from laughing and telling her thank you for cleaning up after yourself?

Nobody wants to hear that, so I'll think of something and update later.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Rest for the Weary

My 3, soon to be 4 year old is sick. Fever, sore throat, runny nose. Run of the mill winter season stuff. This is the first time she's been sick this year. (I don't count the stomach virus we all had in January - that was a WHOLE different beast. I'm talking about the cold/flu type illness.) I am VERY thankful she's such a healthy child. That being said...

Does anyone else kind of enjoy your kids being sick? Sounds really odd when I write it out, but I'm serious. Now, I in NO WAY wish my children ill health. Absolutely not. I would MUCH rather that they never be sick. But, that's not really reality, is it? By enjoy, I mean like it gives you kind of a break, ya know? They're all snuggled up in your bed with a supply of kleenex and plenty of fluids to drink and watching Ses@me Street. You, well, you get to actually GET THINGS DONE! Laundry, vacuuming, scrubbing the kitchen floor that hasn't seen a mop in two months. All without an adorable little munchkin following you around asking every conceivable question under the sun, whining about when lunchtime is, fighting with the little sister, etc. You get the picture.

Enjoying the time while your child has a cold? Oh Lord, I am a horrible mother.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

And I'll leave you with this quote....

Ok, so I'm not really going anywhere, but I really like this quote and thought I'd put it out there. I totally stole it from another site, and I'd totally reference it if I could just remember where it came from. Oops. Anyway, I kept this in mind this morning as I dragged my sorry butt outa bed and to the treadmill to run. But, it could be applied to just about anything in life...

Just start. And then, dig in and push. Keep gaining ground a little bit at a time, and believe in the fact that at some point, you'll hit a beautiful piece of momentum.

P.S. It seems that I write mostly about running. I didn't set out to do a "Running Blog", it's just that this running/training thing is taking up most of my brain space right now. Just move along if you find yourself bored to tears... :)